Funding and investment
Funding content

£9m Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal funding committed from the UK Government to support health and life science innovation
Partnerships content

52 successful commercial partnerships with UK and international companies since 2015
Collaborations content

62 collaborations with universities across the globe (2015-today)
World leading content

World leading
69% of University of the Highlands and Islands health research deemed internationally excellent or world leading (2014 UK REF)
Active academics content
Grant income content

Active academics
More than 50 research active academics and clinician scientists
Grant income
£17m in new research grant income generated since 2015
A selection of major recent funding awards
- 2019: £1.6m Legacy funding for Causes of Schizophrenia
- 2017: £1.5m ESF Developing Scotland’s Workforce (12 studentships)
- 2017: £1.3m Inter-Reg Eastern Corridor Medical Engineering Centre
- 2017: £9m UK Government Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal
- 2016: £4m Highlands and Islands Enterprise for development of School of Health
- 2012: £290k British Heart Foundation
- 2009: £1.5m ERDF funding: Lipidomics Facility
- 2009: £201k Chief Scientist Office
- 2009: £110k Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain
- 2009: 181k Schizophrenia Association of Great Britain
- 2009: £2m European Regional Development Fund (UHI Strategic Delivery Body)
- 2008: £106k Chief Scientist Office
- 2005: £1.2m British Heart Foundation Programme