John Maher
Director of Physical and Digital Infrastructure
John has overall responsibility for UHI’s core ICT and Library services including the ServiceDesk, the Highland Health Services Library, learning and teaching technologies, the library management system and eResources, student and staff portals, student records and management information, communication and collaboration tools and ICT infrastructure.
Prior to joining UHI in 2008 John worked in the finance sector delivering transformational strategies across a range of functions including customer services, IT infrastructure, software development and corporate systems spending 8 years in Luxembourg and latterly Dublin.
John holds a MA in Social Science and MSc in Information Technology from the University of Glasgow and an MBA from the Open University.
He is currently sits on the Board of HEFESTIS, a not-for-profit Shared Service organisation, jointly owned by member institutions across the Scottish University and Colleges sectors. He is also a member of HE IT Directors Scotland (HEIDS) and has contributed to various Scottish Funding Council groups including SFC Review - ICT consultation, HE/FE ICT Strategy Oversight Board, and the Colleges ICT Advisory Group.