Max Brown

Director of Transformation and Business Planning content

Director of Transformation and Business Planning

Max Brown leaning against a colourful building wall on Inverness Campus

Max is UHI’s Director of Transformation and Business Planning, responsible for managing a range of strategic change projects and improvement initiatives. These range from the large-scale institutional changes, such as the merger of colleges, to service reviews, providing additional capacity for priority areas and team-based process improvement.

Prior to joining UHI in 2018, Max worked as an independent management consultant in the public sector. He worked at a national level with Audit Scotland, the Scottish Government, NHS Boards and Local Authorities to reform significant areas of the public provision of health and social care, led and managed large scale change programmes and audited service provision across a number of different areas.

Max served as chair of Blackwood Homes and Care, a national housing and care association that provides 1,600 accessible and affordable homes, primarily for people with a disability, and care services across 20 local authorities. He was a founding member and the inaugural chair of SuperTroop, an Edinburgh based Charity providing holidays for children with significant learning disability.

Max holds a Bachelor of Divinity and a MSc in International Health Systems and Public Policy both from the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of the RSA.