Professional cookery graduate competes on new series of MasterChef content

Professional cookery graduate competes on new series of MasterChef
Moray College UHI graduate, Ross Burgess, competes to become the next superstar chef.
Launch of west coast story gathering project content

Launch of west coast story gathering project
West Highland College UHI's Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research launches the 'Coast that Shaped the World'.
University develops digital learning materials for national gender-based violence training content

University develops digital learning materials for national gender-based violence training
This first open access training course is made available for all staff in Scottish colleges and universities.
Students celebrate success in international code challenge content

Students celebrate success in international code challenge
Students on applied software development degree celebrate international success in three categories, beating off competition from 100 universities across the world.
Thurso scientist trial new method of detecting plastic pollution from space content

Thurso scientist trial new method of detecting plastic pollution from space
European Space Agency funds a new research study with researchers at North Highland College UHI's Environmental Research Institute.