Clàraidhean ann am Maltais
Ann an iomairt ùr airson CIALL chaidh clàraidhean a chruthachadh ann am Maltais, le aonadan Chlilstore air an cur riutha, san stoidhle “Extensions” aig Guthan nan Eilean le Sharon Pisani bhon bhuidheann Open Virtual Worlds aig Oilthigh Chill Rìmhinn.

Sgrìobh Sharon Pisani:
“Christmas is a celebration that holds a special place in my heart. Since moving from Malta to Scotland, I’ve sought to bring the light and joy of Maltese traditions into Scotland’s short, dark December days. When I was back home planning and filming the documentary, I looked into Malta’s unique customs and discovered others that have faded over time, such as the use of capon as the traditional Christmas lunch meat. My goal was to capture the essence of the Christmases I cherish — through food, decorations, and the sense of community.
In today’s era of content creation, documenting this felt natural, but it was also deeply meaningful to explore Malta’s festive roots and to interview Carmel Cauchi, an author whose books shaped my childhood. The poetry readings selected by Cauchi reflect a contemporary world, where harsh realities co-exist with the jovial celebrations of Christmas. Just as Christmas traditions and lifestyles evolve, so too does language and the way we produce and consume content in that language. This is especially true for Maltese – and other island languages – in this digital age.
I hope this collection of videos, which can be explored in Maltese, English, and Gaelic, alongside other languages through YouTube’s translation tools, resonates with you.”
Anns na clàraidhean gheibhear còmhradh nàdarra agus dàin sgrìobhte bhon bhàrd Carmel Cauchi cuide ri cànan aithriseach le Sharon – a ghabhas eadar-theangachadh ann an cànain eile leithid Beurla agus Gàidhlig – agus beachdan inntinneach aig Carmel air crìonadh na Maltais, mar eisimpleir ann am foghlam, ann an dòighean coltach ris na tha a’ tachairt ann an Gàidhlig cuideachd. Tha fo-thiotalan ann am Maltais air YouTube. Gabhaidh an cur gu cànain eile tro eadar-theangachadh automataigeach. Faodar am faicinn an seo ann an cruth landscape no portrait.
Gheibhear na h-aonadan Clilstore an seo:
Prògram aithriseach: Tradizzjonijiet tal-Milied f’Malta
Bàrdachd: Carmel G. Cauchi – Qari ta’ Poeżiji
Còmhradh: Carmel G. Cauchi Jitkellem fuq il-Milied