Qualification requirements
Undergraduate programmes
You can check the specific undergraduate degree entry requirements for students from your country on the tables below:
EU and EEA qualifications
EU and EEA qualifications
Country | Agreed Entry to Year 1 of UHI Degree |
Austria |
Reifeprüfungszeugnis/ Maturazeugnis - a minimum of complete and Pass (Bestanden) Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B we will require a Grade 2 and for a Grade C we will require a Grade 3 |
Belgium |
Diploma van secundair onderwijs (Flemish speaking community); Certificat d'Enseignement Secondaire Superieur (French speaking community); and Abschlusszeugnis der Oberstufe des Sekundarunterrichts (German speaking community), achieving a minimum grade of 6/10 or 12/20 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7/10 or 14/20 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 6/10 or 12/20 |
Bulgaria |
Pass Diploma za Sredno Obrazovanie (Diploma of Completed Secondary Education) with a final Grade of 4 or above We would be looking for specific subject grades of 4.50-5.00 (Много добър) for grade B, and 3.50-4.49 (Добър) for grade C |
Croatia |
Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi (Certificate of State Maturity) with an average at Grade 3 or above Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 4 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 3 |
Cyprus |
Apolytirion of Lykeion. Complete and pass Apolytirion with an average Grade of 17 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 17 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 15/16 |
Czech Republic |
Maturitni Zkouška/Maturita with an overall pass with an average Grade of 3 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 2 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 3 |
Denmark |
Bevis for Studentereksamen (STX) (Secondary Education Graduation Certificate) - Complete and Pass with Eksamensresultat (weighted average grade) with a Grade 6 or above Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7 will be required in level A or B subjects and for a Grade C we will require Grade 4 in level A or B subjects Højere Forberedelseseksamen (HF) (Higher Preparatory Examination Certificate) - Complete and Pass with Eksamensresultat (weighted average grade) with a Grade 6 or above Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7 will be required in level A or B subjects and for a Grade C we will require Grade 4 in level A or B subjects |
Estonia |
Completed and pass Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus with Riigieksamitunnistus with an overall of Grade 3 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then 57%, or above, in a relevant subject in the Riigieksamitunnistus will be required and for a Grade C we will require 53% |
Faroe Islands |
Refer to the Denmark table |
Finland |
Based on Ylioppilastutkinto/ studentexamen - minimum entry requirements are achieving 3 x C (Cum laude approbatur / Grade 4) and 1 x B (Lubenter approbatur / Grade 3) to be equivalent to SQA Higher BBCC (Please note that this qualification does not provide an overall final grade) |
France |
Baccalauréat General, Option Internationale du Baccalauréat (OIB) or Diplôme du Baccalauréat Technologique - Pass with a minimum of Grade 11 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 12 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 11 Individual subject marks, out of 20, are given in the “Note” column of the transcript |
Germany |
Zeugnis der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur - minimum overall grade of 4 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 10 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 7 |
Greece |
Apolyterion of Geniko Lykeion (with Panhellenics examinations). Complete Apolytirio Lykeiou with average Grade of 17 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 16 in the Panhellenic will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 14 in the Panhellenic If an Apolytirion is presented without Panhellenic exams the applicant would need to have undertaken a recognised foundation course |
Hungary |
Erettsegi/Matura - Pass Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 4 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 3 (Please note that this qualification does not provide an overall final grade) |
Iceland |
Based on Studentsprof, we would be looking for a score between 6.5-7.0 |
Ireland (Republic of) |
Pre 2017 - Old Grading System: If a course stipulates SQA Highers at BBC, we would require B1B3B3 at Higher Level (based on UCAS Tariff Points) From 2017 - New Grading System: If a course stipulates SQA Highers at BBC, we would require H2H3H3 (based on UCAS Tariff Points) |
Italy |
Esame di Stato - completed with a minimum of 65-70% We would require a copy of the Pagella (school report) to obtain subject marks for Years 11-13 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7/10 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 6/10 |
Latvia |
Minimum entry requirements are an overall pass with an average of grade of 6.5 (65%) in two state exams Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7 (70%) will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 6 (60%) |
Lithuania |
Complete and Pass with a minimum of Grade 6 and passed at least 2 final state exams with a minimum grade of 60% |
Luxembourg |
For entry requirements at SQA Higher BBCC, we would require an overall score of 36-40 If a course stipulates a specific subject at SQA Higher Grade B then a score of 40 or above would be required |
Malta |
Based on Matriculation Certificate, for entry requirements for SQA Higher BBCC, we would require CC at Advanced Level and CDDD at Intermediate Level |
Netherlands |
Based on the VWO, for entry requirements for SQA Higher at BBCC - Pass with an average of Grade 6 and above Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 6 |
Norway |
Based on the Vitnemål for Videregående Opplæring, for a specific subject at SQA Higher Grade B, we would require a Grade 3.5 and for SQA Higher Grade C, we would require a Grade 3 Certificates that grant access to higher education should include the phrase ""og har oppnådd generell studiekompetanse"" in the top-left section of the document |
Poland |
Based on the Matura - minimum entry requirements vary between courses 60% in three extended level subjects for most programmes, however some programmes require a higher level of entry with 70% in three extended level subjects |
Portugal |
Complete and Pass with an average of Grade 14 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 14 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 13 |
Romania |
Complete and Pass with an average of Grade 7 or above Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 6 |
Slovakia |
Complete and Pass Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 3 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 4 |
Slovenia |
Maturitetno Spričevalo with an overall score of 15-17 points Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 4 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 3 |
Spain |
Students would require to have completed the Titulo de Bachiller with a minimum Grade 6 overall Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7 will be required Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade C then Grade 6 will be required |
Sweden |
For entry requirements for SQA Highers at BBCC - Complete and Pass Fullstandigt Slutbetyg with average of between 12.50-13.49 Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade C/VG will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade E/G |
Switzerland |
Complete and pass with Grade 4 or above Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 5 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 4 |
EB |
Pass with an overall score of 60% Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Grade 7 (70%) will be required and for a Grade C we will require Grade 6 (60%) |
Non-EU qualifications
Non-EU qualifications
Country | Agreed Entry to Year 1 of UHI Degree |
Australia |
Australian Capital Territory Senior Secondary Certificate - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) New South Wales Higher School Certificate - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) Queensland Certificate of Education - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) South Australian Certificate of Education - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) Tasmanian Certificate of Education - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) Victorian Certificate of Education - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) Western Australian Certificate of Education - Pass Secondary Grade 12 Certificate with required ATAR 70 or above (70%) |
Bangladesh |
Applicants will typically be required to pass the Intermediate/Higher Secondary School Certificate at an average of 2.5 (between B or C) AND the first year of a university degree in a relevant subject OR Successful completion of a recognised Foundation Programme |
Brazil |
Certificado de Conculsao de Segundo Grau or Certificado de Conclusão de Ensino Médio |
Brunei |
Entry requirements correspond to the minimum entry requirements for GCE A Levels as stated on our website on the relevant course page. International Baccalaureate (IB) also accepted, please see our agreed entry under the IB listing. |
Canada |
Alberta High School Diploma (Can be issued in French or English) - 60% in five acceptable Grade 12 subjects Ontario Secondary School Diploma - 60% in six acceptable Grade 12 subjects at U or M level British Columbia Certificate of Graduation - 60% in five acceptable Grade 12 subjects Nova Scotia School Graduation Diploma - 60% in five acceptable Grade 12 subjects |
Ghana |
West African Senior School Certificate / West African Senior School Certificate for School or Private Candidates - Entry requirements vary between courses, but applicants will typically be required to pass the WAEC in at least five subjects at an average of B/C, and the first year of a university degree in a relevant subject with an average grade of B/55% OR C/50%, to include any essential subject(s) at grade B/55%. English language: English at C6 or higher in the WAEC is accepted. (Valid for 5 years) |
Hong Kong |
We would recommend Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) at 3 relevant subjects at 3-3-3 |
India |
Indian Senior School Year 12 with an average of 60% |
Indonesia |
Applicants will typically be required to pass the Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK), Madrasah Aliyah (MA) at an average of 75% OR good grades in Diploma 1 or Diploma 2 in relevant subject areas |
Japan |
Applicants will typically be required to pass the Kōtō Gakkō Sotsugyo Shomei Sho (Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate) AND the first year of a university degree in a relevant subject |
Malaysia |
Successful completion of STPM - with grades equivalent to A Levels as stated on our website on the relevant course page OR Successful completion of Malaysian Diploma with GPA of 2.3 or above Successful completion of UEC with a minimum of 5 subjects (in relevant subjects) equivalent to Scottish Highers as stated on our website on the relevant course page |
Nepal |
Successful completion of Higher Secondary Education Certificate (HSC) with 65% OR Grade C+ in relevant subjects |
Nigeria |
Successful completion of either West African Senior School Certificate (if awarded by WAEC) OR Senior School Certificate (if awarded by NECO) with 5 subjects at B/C AND the first year of a university degree in a relevant subject OR Successful completion of a recognised Foundation Programme |
South Africa |
Successful completion of National Senior Certificate with 5 subjects (in relevant subject areas) at 44444 |
Sri Lanka |
Successful completion of Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education (Advanced) with 3 subject at CCC in relevant subject areas |
Türkiye |
Successful completion of Lise Diplomasi (High School Diploma) with an average of 55% AND the first year of a university degree in a relevant subject OR Successful completion of a recognised Foundation Programme |
For entry requirements at SQA Higher BBC we suggest a High School Graduation Diploma with a minimum GPA of 2.7 or above. We also invite applicants to submit their ACT, SAT or AP results in addition, if they have them: - ACT: Composite score of 20 minimum - APs: 2 Advanced Placements at minimum grade 3 - SAT (post-March 2016): score of 1000 minimum (with at least 500 in each component) - SAT (pre-March 2016): score of 1500 minimum (with at least 500 in each component) - SAT Subject Tests: 2 at a minimum score of 500 |
Vietnam |
Successful completion of Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma (Bang Tot Nghieo Pho Thong Trung Hoc) AND the first year of a university degree in a relevant subject OR Successful completion of a recognised Foundation Programme |
IB |
Award of Diploma with a minimum of 24 points Where we ask for a specific SQA Higher subject at Grade B then Higher Level (HL) Grade 5 will be required and for a Grade C we will require Higher Level (HL) Grade 4 |
Students gaining an advance certificate or diploma are eligible to apply for entry to UHI degrees with advance entry. This is subject to standard entry requirements, including English language, relevant visa and space availability.
Postgraduate programmes
Please check the Overseas Degree Equivalency guidance for a rough understanding of the recommended undergraduate programme grades.