Energy Innovation

A lighthouse

Who are we?

UHI Energy Innovation is focused on delivering local, regional and national benefit to partners across Scotland and internationally. Our researchers and facilities are on the doorstep of Scotland’s most impressive energy resources and recent industry developments, complementing our expertise with a commitment to support the energy sector as it delivers for Scotland and the Highlands and Islands region.

The University has world-class facilities and multi-disciplinary research teams particularly relating to environmental, marine, rural and socio-economic aspects, who are focusing on and providing solutions to ongoing energy challenges.


Strategy and Vision

Our Vision:

'Leading and supporting energy innovation where the resource is'

Our Objectives:

  • To promote UHI Energy Research and play a leading role in developing cutting-edge research, innovation, and skills development opportunities.
  • Engage with businesses, stakeholders, and public-sector groups to understand their priorities and challenges. Utilise this information to facilitate collaborative problem-solving approaches using UHI innovation and academic expertise.
  • Identify opportunities to increase research and development activities with impact that adds value and support.
  • Advance the net-zero economy and renewable energy technologies through collaborative research and networking.

UHI Energy Innovation Strategy 2023 - 2025

Wind turbines

Energy Innovation Team

For any enquiries please contact one of the Energy Innovation Team:

Dr Benjamin Williamson - Chair of the Energy KE Forum 

Dr Stephanie Strother - Energy KE Coordinator      

Nicholas Petzinna - Energy Research Associate 

Telephone: 01847 889589
