Consultancy services are available from many UHI academic partners, including Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (SAMS), Environmental Research Institute (ERI), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA) and UHI Shetland.

SAMS Enterprise Survey and Consultancy Services
SAMS Enterprise possesses in-depth and extensive knowledge of the marine environment, coupled with a clear understanding of the potential impacts associated with a wide range of renewable energy developments in the oceans. We provide clients with advice and guidance on the assessment of environmental impacts across all stages of project development, from site investigations and construction to operation and monitoring.
We offer consultation services with stakeholders and statutory consultees, including working with regulators to ensure scope of works are fit for purpose and project-managing the delivery of approved surveys in challenging high-energy environments. We are accustomed to maximising the use of weather windows in order to deliver on time and reduce costs to our clients.
Using cutting-edge science to enable the sustainable development of marine renewable energy generation in Scotland, including:
- Environmental impact assessment services
- Marine mammal and underwater noise surveys
- Benthic and intertidal surveys
- Natural and commercial fish surveys
- Sediment and water quality sampling
- Seafloor mapping
- Metocean surveys
- Consenting support services
- Post-consent monitoring
- Vessel and equipment hire
Environmental Research Institute (ERI) Services
Renewable Energy
Our ERI team has a rich experience in renewable energy and environmental fields. We have partnerships within hydrogen, biomass, waste and renewable energy research and industrial functions, with a special emphasis on marine renewables.
Marine Renewables
ERI has developed considerable expertise in the emergent marine renewable sector and offers consultancy services in the following key areas:
- Regional tidal resource assessment and modelling
- Regional constraint mapping
- Site specific tidal resource assessment and modelling
- Site specific constraint mapping
- Weather windowing for commissioning, maintenance and decommissioning of marine energy devices
- Ecological effects of marine renewable devices
- Benthic sample processing and species identification
- Creation of benthic habitat maps
This experience and expertise have been garnered through our involvement in several large renewable energy projects. Clients are able to gain direct access to senior staff and we have our own survey vessel, the RV ERI Aurora equipped with ADCP, CTD and other instruments. A full list of facilities and expertise is available here.

Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (ORCA)
From your first enquiry our ORCA team will guide you through the historic environment planning process by one of our Senior Project Managers. They have the knowledge, experience, and skill to advise and manage your historic environment project from start to finish. Their professional guidance will give you the confidence that your project will be delivered on time and within budget.
Terrestrial Services
- Heritage Consultancy
- Historic Environment Management and Mitigation
- Desk Based Assessment
- Heritage Impact Assessment
- Fieldwork
- Post Excavation
- 3D Models
Marine Services
- Heritage Consultancy
- Marine Historic Environment Management and Mitigation
- Desk Based Assessment
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Post-Survey Investigation
UHI Shetland
Marine Consultancy Services
UHI Shetland is the most northerly marine institute in the British Isles and is ideally located within a highly productive marine environment. Our location enables us to have close relationships with a wide range of marine industries which is reflected in our continuing work through industry-science partnerships where we emphasise the importance of industry over traditional academic research. We provide a unique multidisciplinary approach to our work which includes several marine industries and services that are backed up by our well-equipped facilities.