Links to projects and resources developed through the Language Sciences Institute.
In addition to the flagship "lslands Gaelic Research Project", commenced through the Soillse partnership and reporting in 2020, the Language Sciences Institute has initiated and developed a number of linked projects relating to its core mission.
Saoghal Thormoid
Gaelic conversations with famed writer and entertainer Norman Maclean, in which Norman spoke reflectively of his memories and impressions of bilingual life in Glasgow and the Hebrides from the middle of the Twentieth Century onwards.

Stòras Beò nan Gàidheal
A series of recordings featuring fluent speakers of Irish and Scottish Gaelic employing user-friendly techniques to document ethnographic insights into the lives and times of fluent speakers in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

Mediating Multilingualism
A collaborative project with Amity University, Haryana, the Indian network of Centres for Endangered Languages, and the University of the West Indies Jamaican Language Unit, to explore new media approaches to linguistic fragility in a societal context.
Norman Maclean Talking Points
Discussions between international partners in the Mediating Multilingualism project and UK-based community language speakers, on language trajectories, hierarchies, and boundaries, using excerpts from Saoghal Thormoid.