Community Clilstore Link
As part of the SFC-funded “CIALL” initiative (Collaborative, Interdisciplinary and Applied Linguistic Links), the Language Sciences Institute is putting learner-friendly Clilstore software to use with community-produced recordings from Comann Eachdraidh Sgìre Bhac (the Back Local History Society) in Lewis.

Following up on the Back Local History Society's recent placing of subtitles on a selection of their Gaelic videos, LSI staff are now working from these to produce lexically enhanced webpages, which embed the original video with a scrollable transcript. Viewers can watch the video in real time, while pausing it at any time to check the dictionary translation in the language of their choice of any unfamiliar word, simply by clicking on it in the text. As an example, here's "School Memories" from Sgoil a’ Bhac, with Coinneach MacÌomhair in conversation with some of his former classmates.