Procurement strategy and objectives


Environmental development and sustainability is embedded into the university’s strategic planning process and our primary aim is to make a transformational contribution to the economic, environmental, social and cultural development of the region.

To a degree, this aim can be achieved through a sustainable procurement strategy which ensures that the university achieves best value for money whilst furthering such development and sustainability.

A sustainable procurement strategy will allow the university to meet its needs for goods, services, works and utilities in a way that achieves value for money on a whole life basis in terms of generating benefits not only to the university, but also to society and the economy, whilst minimising damage to the environment.

In addressing sustainable procurement, the strategy also reinforces the university’s health, safety and environmental policy and carbon management plan.

In order to embed sustainable procurement throughout the supply chain, the university is committed to the following strategic objectives:

  1. Undertake procurement in accordance with Scottish Government procurement policies and European procurement legislation by developing open and transparent key purchasing processes and systems. Treat all suppliers fairly and equally, and ensure that purchases are undertaken through open and well publicised competition unless there are exceptional circumstances;
  2. Take a whole life cycle approach to strategic procurement and raise the profile of sustainable procurement throughout the university;
  3. Provide suitably qualified local small and medium sized enterprises [SMEs], and supported businesses with the opportunity to tender for the university’s business;
  4. Identify opportunities for working with others, both in the public and private sector, in order to produce more cost-effective, innovative and sustainable procurement options, and
  5. Seek to continually improve procurement performance and ensure procurement activities are integrated.