UHI Central Safeguarding

Safeguarding information for students enrolled through the UHI Executive Office, including Centre for History and Optometry. Also covers all UHI Residencies. content

Safeguarding information for students enrolled through the UHI Executive Office, including Centre for History and Optometry. Also covers all UHI Residencies.

All staff have a duty of care to respond appropriately to any protection concerns relating to the young people we come into contact with.

  • Staff are here to listen to any concerns that you have for yourself or a fellow student
  • Staff will not make assumptions about whether harm/abuse has taken place
  • Staff want to reassure you and will be sensitive to any anxieties you have. Staff cannot guarantee confidentiality
  • Staff will have to pass on information to the relevant Safeguarding Co-ordinator or appropriate contact and ensure that you are kept safe
  • Staff will record everything you tell them and will keep you informed of what happens at every step of the process

Collage of 2 | Women sitting on a desk | Neist Point Lighthouse, Isle of Skye


Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Procedures

Safeguarding Referral Form

You can speak to any staff member if you have any concerns. However, staff with specific responsibility for Safeguarding at UHI Central (Executive Office) and UHI Residencies are:

Institution Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Deputies Contact

UHI Central

Lyndsay Sutherland

Allie Scott

Kate Mawby

Lorna Ferguson


UHI Residencies

Tim Skyrme