Students' Association
You can get much more out of your student experience by getting involved in the Highlands and Islands Students' Association (HISA) at the University of the Highlands and Islands.
As a university student you'll have the opportunity to get involved in representing your fellow students' interests in a variety of ways. Whether it's through becoming a course or subject network representative, being a student participant in focus groups and consultation events, or as an officer with HISA, they can all help you to contribute to the development of the university as well as gaining valuable personal skills and experience.
Taking part in any of these student activities can offer you the possibility of travelling around the Highlands and Islands, making a difference to the lives of the students you represent, and enhancing your CV through training and experience. The skills and capabilities you develop will help you in whatever you do after university; having learnt – for example - how to negotiate, manage your time, be an effective leader or using your initiative to get the ball rolling on something you are passionate about.
Being involved in the students' association is not limited to student representation. HISA also run a range of other events and support the increasing number of clubs and societies operating across the partnership.
Highlands and Islands Students' Association (HISA)
HISA is a tertiary students’ association that represents the interests of all further and higher education students, no matter how they study or what they study. Its structure is unique and reflects the composition of the university partnership.
HISA campaigns for student rights, runs social events and supports clubs and societies, as well as raising students’ voices in all levels of university boards and committees.
HISA has a team of 2 regional officers: President and Vice President Education. There are also Depute Presidents and Local Officers who represent students locally at their campus, with the exception of Sabhal Mor Ostaig UHI where students are represented locally by Comann nan Oileanach (CnO), the Gaelic students' association. We would encourage you to find out who your HISA Depute President or Local Officer is and find out the brilliant opportunities that are available at your College.
HISA aims to make sure your student voice is at the heart of all decisions about learning and teaching and your student experience.