Islands Matter Faroes and Shetland Research Symposium, Online 22 September 1pm

This is the first of a series of research symposia jointly developed by colleagues in UHI Shetland and the University of the Faroe Islands.

The Islands Matter Symposium will bring together researchers from the Faroe Islands and from Shetland. This symposium will focus on the history, culture and heritage of the two island groups, exploring relationships, similarities and differences. There will be a series of presentations of current research, and the opportunity for questions and lively discussion. It will be the springboard for further research and the development of research partnerships, reconnecting the two archipelagos.

On the 3 November there will be a second symposium, which will take a more contemporary slant, exploring current research into fish science, island education, migration and politics.


Viveka Velupillai - Shaetlan and its status as a mixed language.

Mark Smith - Jakob Jakobsen’s sister, Anna Horsbøl.

Brian Smith – Shetlanders’ attitudes to the Faroes over the past 200 years

Simon Clarke – Archaeology on the Edge of Europe

John Goodlad - The cultural connection between the Faroese and Shetlanders during the time of the Faroe cod smacks

Jenny Murray – St Magnus in Shetland and Faroe

Erling Isholm - Shetland as a model for Faroese modernisation

Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen - Consequences of purism in language in the Faroes