Among the Layers of the Land with Prof. Frank Rennie
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This talk will focus on the topic of the above book, which looks at the many ways we think about land and landscape. The book uses alternate chapters of fact and fiction to explore our relationship with the land and what can make a place ‘special’ to each of us. From the perspectives of both the natural environment and the social history of a place, the inter-connections are complex in how we relate, how we can change and be changed by our deeper knowledge. Some fascinating and surprising stories can emerge from among those layers.
Frank was Professor of Sustainable Rural Development at the University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland, and is a Research Fellow at the UHI Environmental Research Institute. Formerly he was Head of Research at Lews Castle College UHI. A natural scientist, he tutored on the MSc in Sustainable Rural Development and the MSc Digital Pedagogy, as well as supervising research students. His research interests include Human Ecology and new approaches to online networking for the clear communication of higher education, science, and rural community development. He has been an advisor to several government bodies and is a Fellow of four learned societies. He has published 40 books. Contact or follow @frankrennie
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