Learning and Teaching Enhancement Values
The ten Learning and Teaching Enhancement values that provide the basis for the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Strategy are summarised below. Please see the full strategy for a range of exemplars relating to each of the values, and how they can be embedded in practice.

Supporting the learner as an individual
Our learning, teaching and assessment practices will ensure all students have the opportunities and support they require to succeed, and that diverse and individual student needs are met through inclusive and equitable approaches to curriculum design and delivery, personalised support and wellbeing.

Supporting flexible and student-centred learning
Our students will have an equitable learning experience regardless of their place or mode of study, will have flexibility in how they study with us, and will have appropriate choice and negotiation in the individual and collaborative activities that they undertake.

Learning for personal growth and employment
We will engage our students in learning activities and experiences that support their personal aspirations and reflect and replicate how they will work, study and collaborate in the vocation, profession or field they are preparing for. As a student progresses through their studies, they will engage in activities that will develop learner autonomy and provide them with the knowledge, skills and literacies needed for life, learning and work.

Authentic assessment and meaningful feedback
Assessment will be rich and varied and place an emphasis on forms of assessment and coursework that are directly aligned with the vocation, profession or field of practice students are preparing for. Formative assessment, feedback and feedforward should allow students to reflect upon and refine their work, and to make decisions about how to progress within their studies.

Engaging students in reflection and research
We will support the development of our students as reflective practitioners, as investigators, and as researchers in ways that are appropriate to their subject and level of study. Reflection on practice, including in relation to professional standards, will be embedded throughout the learning experience. As students progress through different levels of study, there will be an increasing focus on research activities that have a real-world relevance and value.

Celebrating diversity through learning and teaching
We will recognise and celebrate diversity and diverse voices within and through the design and delivery of our curricula, in the resources and readings we direct our students to engage with, in the examples that we use in our teaching and materials, and in the assessed work we ask students to undertake.

Connecting learning across communities
We will create opportunities within and across our curricula for students to engage and learn with peers inside and across cohorts, to engage in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary learning, to engage with the professional and scholarly communities to which they belong or will come to join, and to engage with and contribute to our wider communities locally and beyond.

Enriching learning through digital practices
We will harness digital technologies and spaces for learning, teaching and assessment to support active engagement in individual and collaborative learning, and to enable students to have a meaningful and connected learning experience regardless of their place or mode of study. This will incorporate authentic digital practices whereby students use technology to create and share resources, to evidence their learning, and develop their digital literacies.

Harnessing open education approaches
We will develop and further develop online and other forms of open education approaches in supporting and enhancing learning and teaching. This could include using, creating and sharing open educational resources, engaging our students in openly sharing some of the outcomes of their own learning and scholarship, and through widening access to formal and informal learning opportunities.

Integrated and sustainable learning and teaching
We will develop more integrated and sustainable approaches to learning, teaching and assessment through practices including designing assessments that bring together work from related units and modules; implementing joint learning and teaching activities that are relevant across levels and cohorts; engaging students in peer support and review; and in using, creating and sharing open educational resources and other repurposable content.