Enabling practices
These four Enabling Practices define the activities that colleagues with learning and teaching responsibilities should engage in to inform their own professional practice and to contribute to the wider enhancement of learning and teaching.

Active and collaborative professional development
Staff will be provided with and supported to engage in a range of relevant continuing professional development activities, including events, short courses and peer mentoring, that are focused on enhancing and sharing effective educational practices, and which are open to all colleagues who directly support student learning or wider aspects of the student experience.

Research and evidence-based educational practice
Our approaches to learning, teaching and assessment will be informed by existing research and scholarship relating to effective educational practice, through feedback received from our students and evidence relating to their engagement and success, and through staff undertaking their own educational research and scholarship.

Embedding professional standards in learning and teaching
Staff with teaching and student-related responsibilities will be supported to reflect upon and evidence where their practices align with and embed both the LTES values and relevant internal and external professional standards for learning, teaching and assessment.

Engaging in reflective practice for continuous enhancement
At individual, team, departmental, and institutional level we will engage in professional reflection and review processes concerning the effectiveness of our learning, teaching and assessment practices, to identify areas for enhancement and to actively plan a better educational experience for current and future students. Our collaborative review processes will be inclusive of academic staff, professional service teams and colleagues, and students.