Online alternatives to face-to-face teaching activities

Activity Alternative Tool Guidance
Distribution of learning materials Upload to unit/module page Brightspace

1.Brightspace Quick start guide

Class discussion Online discussions

Asynchronous Brightspace discussion boards

Synchronous: See Synchronous section

Brightspace Discussion boards

Synchronous: See Synchronous section


Live stream, recordings or upload previous session recordings if they have been turned into a reusable learning object. See the Recording of taught sessions policy.

Think about more than just lecturing – think about activities, solo and group, and flipping – get students to prepare in advance


Narrated PowerPoints and upload these to Brightspace, uploading Word documents, readings, activities, book chapters, CLickView videos, recording lectures, Library resources and Open Education Resources.

Synchronous: See Synchronous section

Narrating PowerPoint

Seminar Webinar    
Tutorial Webinar   In accordance with the Recording of taught sessions policy, recordings are automatically deleted after 356 days.
Formative assessment submission (non-digital) Ask students to photograph or video their work and upload evidence
  1. Mahara blog
  2. Mahara ePortfolio
  3. Brightspace ePortfolio or
  4. Brightspace assignment tool
  5. Medial (for video assessment)
  1. Mahara blog
  2. Mahara ePortfolio
  3. Brightspace ePortfolio
  4. Brightspace assignment tool
  5. Medial
In class tests (not summative) Online quiz Brightspace quiz tool
  1. Brightspace quiz tool
  2. Writing quiz questions for online
Collaborative group work Wiki
  1. SharePoint wiki
  2. Discussion board groups
  1. SharePoint wiki
  2. Discussion boards
Summative assessment Core technologies
  1. Brightspace assignment tool
  2. Mahara blog
  3. Mahara ePortfolio
  4. Brightspace ePortfolio
  5. Medial (for video assessment)
  6. Originality checkers:
  • Urkund (FE use only)
  • Turnitin (HE use only)
  1. Brightspace assignment tool
  2. Mahara blog
  3. Mahara ePortfolio
  4. Brightspace ePortfolio
  5. Medial
  6. Urkund
  7. Turnitin