
BBC broadcaster chosen as alumnus of the year
Anne Lundon, a Scottish media broadcaster who studied at Lews Castle College UHI, was named as the university’s alumnus of the year.

Study explores impact of peatland wildfires
A new study was launched to explore the impact of a wildfire on peatland in Caithness and Sutherland. Peatlands are renowned for their ability to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, to promote biodiversity and to provide high quality water.

University purchases Centre for Health Science
The university purchased the Centre for Health Science in Inverness from Highlands and Islands Enterprise in a £9.83 million deal. The sale will contribute to the continued development of the School of Health, Social Care and Life Sciences.

Graduation bursary to support care experienced students
The university introduced a bursary to support care experienced students to participate in graduation ceremonies. The new bursary provides assistance for costs such as gown hire, photography, travel and accommodation.

Festival collaboration success
Lews Castle College UHI sponsored the Hebridean Celtic Festival’s acoustic stage and organised a competition for past and present music students to play at the event.