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Why our students love UHI

Christopher, MA Health and Wellbeing

I found teaching excellent – remote working with weekly lectures for some modules fit well into my life and other commitments. The MA Health and Wellbeing developed my confidence and abilities in researching subjects and critical analysis of research material. Alongside the Health Psychology components this helped me to manage and oversee the Vaccination service development during the pandemic.

Christopher Arnold graduated from the MA Health and Wellbeing at UHI North, West and Hebrides.

Christopher Arnold


Lorraine Power

Lorraine, PgCert Healthcare Quality Improvement graduate

When considering postgraduate study this course seemed ideal. My favourite aspects of my course have been hearing about improvement ideas in healthcare and innovative ways of improving quality and learning. If you are considering studying with UHI just go for it. The flexibility of online studying, meeting different people you would not necessarily interact with in your normal working day are the best parts about studying at UHI.

Lorraine Power graduated from the PgCert Healthcare Quality Improvement student at UHI North, West and Hebrides.