Thinking of leaving?


If your circumstances change and you are thinking about whether to continue your studies, make contact with a member of staff to discuss your options.

Talk to anyone you feel comfortable approaching- you can telephone or email if you’d rather not meet face to face.

If you’ve already decided to leave UHI you must discuss this with your PAT or another member or staff who can process your withdrawal for you Please do this as soon as you can.

Collage of a student at a computer and an aerial image of trees

What are my options? content

What are my options?

1. Support to help you continue
UHI staff can discuss the available support that can help you continue. For example: study skills advice, assistive technologies, funding.

2. Change of course or mode of study
You may want to keep studying and transfer to another course, either at the same UHI campus or another. You may want to change from full time to part-time study.

3. Temporary withdrawal / suspension of studies
A period of time out from study may be appropriate, allowing you to return at a later date. Staff may be in touch to your home email address while you are on a break in study, this will be to provide or offer support to you when you may be thinking of returning. They will also be available to support you with any academic, student support or financial matters or queries you may have

4. Permanent withdrawal
Where you come to a decision that study is not right for you just now and you cannot see yourself returning then you may wish to permanently withdraw. This does not prevent you from applying to study at UHI in the future. See our Withdrawal procedure

Financial implications content

Financial implications

Financial implications

It's important to note that withdrawing or suspending your studies can have financial implications.

If you stop engaging with your studies but do not speak to your PAT or a member of Support staff to officially suspend or withdraw, then you may be liable to repay any student loan or bursary payments made during that period. Visit the SAAS website for more information on what happens next if you receive overpayments.

Please carefully read the withdrawal section in the university fees policy for further details on the potential financial impact if you choose to withdraw.

If your employer or another sponsor assists with your fees, you should also let them know of your plans at the earliest opportunity.


  • SAAS-funded students withdrawing prior to 01 December will be charged a £100 administrative fee.
  • SAAS-funded students withdrawing after 01 December will be eligible for less funding in the future, should they decide to take up another HE course.

See the SAAS website for more details.

  • RUK, International or Self-financing students should refer to the fees policy for details of fees due or partial refunds
  • Post-graduate ESIF funded students may be liable for a portion of fees, please refer to the fees policy

Student Loans, Discretionary and Childcare Funds

Depending on how many instalments you have received, you may be required to repay part, or all, of the loan amount.

See your local Academic Partner for details

UHI Accommodation

Students using one of our student halls should check regarding any potential financial implications of leaving early. If you do leave, it is important to let the Accommodation team know as soon as possible, or you may find yourself liable for unpaid rent arrears.

Support content



If you are considering permanently withdrawing from your course, you may wish to discuss your career options with someone. The UHI Futures team have impartial staff who are happy to discuss your options with you. 

If your decision to withdraw is related to your studies and you would like to discuss this with us, please let us know at the red button.

Privacy notice content

Privacy notice

Privacy notice

To view the privacy notice in relation to withdrawal, suspension or transfer, please view the withdrawal privacy notice.