Where to find out more
Highlands and Islands Airports Limited
Visit the HIAL website or social media feeds to find out more about the organisation, its operations and services, latest news and career or work opportunities.
Twitter: @Hial_Airports / https://twitter.com/Hial_Airports
Facebook: @hialairports / https://www.facebook.com/hialairports/
Website: https://www.hial.co.uk/
Careers and employability: advice and guidance
For advice and guidance on careers, employability, applications, interviews and CVs, the university’s Careers and Employability Team are in place to help you. They can talk through options and ideas with you, help you get started, and provide practical help when it comes to interview and CV preparation: “Look up, look forward, be in the know.”
Email: careers@uhi.ac.uk
Telephone: 01463 279213
Twitter: @UHICareers / https://twitter.com/UHICareers
Facebook: @UHICareersandAlumni / https://en-gb.facebook.com/UHICareersandAlumni/