Current Energy Projects


PELAgIO will support the development of evidence-based policy and marine management through interdisciplinary research that explores the consequences of offshore wind development on marine environments, marine wildlife, and wider ecosystem structures. By observing and modelling over a large range of physical and biological scales, using a combination of autonomous platforms and ocean robots, research vessels and satellite observations, PELAgIO will build an ecosystem-level understanding of projected changes.

SATE 2 builds on phase one which created the UK’s first low-carbon aviation test centre embedded at a commercial airport. UHI continues its involvement, as a project partner, in developing a UK centre of excellence for sustainable regional aviation. SATE 2 also aims to establish an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) hub-and-spoke delivery network, and will conduct demonstration flights of technologies including a hydrogen-electric regional aircraft and a drone flight from Scotland to Norway.


This four year project aims to to take an interdisciplinary approach to investigate how coastal communities experienced changes in energy transitions. Well known examples are the 19th century use of whale oil in lamps and the late 1970s offshore oil and gas boom. Our researchers of the UHI Archaeology Institute and the Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology Research will delve into historical and archival research in conjunction with creative methodologies to explore present and past impacts of marine energy transitions. 

IFLOW will design and utilise a range of data-collection methodologies including active acoustics (echosounders), ADCPs and passive acoustics (hydrophones) to investigate the distribution and behaviour of fish and marine mammals around floating structures.