How we can help you ...
We recognise the challenges and opportunities of the industry and are here to support you.
We do this by:
- Helping you train and retain your staff - we have a wide range of training programmes available across Scotland, ranging from short courses to vocational courses right through to formal University qualifications
- Tackling challenges together - we work with many businesses and across many aspects of aquaculture ranging from fish health and welfare to environmental modelling and reporting.
- Providing access to facilities and expertise - our state-of-the-art facilities include various labs, instrumentation, survey equipment, computing and cultivation facilities.
We work with businesses at all sizes and stages - from new start-ups to established multinational companies.
To find out more, you can contact us by email:

Case Study - Training
Our Aquaculture Management CPD (Continuing Professional Development) is a great fit if you're looking to progress into management roles or if you have a professional interest in the aquaculture industry. You select three modules from various options and complete this fully online.
This course is SVQF Level 8 (Higher National Diploma).
For more info or other aquaculture courses...
Case Study - Innovation
Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding will revolutionise the monitoring of aquaculture related change.
eDNA is DNA present in the water and sediment (Project BactMetBar) and offers an alternative to the time-consuming, expensive traditional analyses sediments and is quicker and more cost-effective.
Case Study - Facilities
Alongside our laboratories, boats, farms and cultivation facilities, we have a number of instruments capable of cutting-edge analysis.
Our Imaging FlowCytobots are constantly monitoring phytoplantkon in real time at two locations in Shetland, with the images being characterised by AI and data being used by aquaculture companies to help with finfish (and shellfish) management decisions.
Knowledge Exchange at UHI
Working collaboratively at the local, national and international level, the UHI Aquaculture Hub facilitates Knowledge Exchange to provide positive outcomes for the businesses, students and communities in our region.