
University success at Trad Music Awards
Graduates from across the university were amongst this year’s winners and performers at the MG Alba Trad Music Awards. The annual ceremony celebrates Scotland’s exceptional traditional musical talent.

Student wins national motor industry competition
Claire Mcfarlane, a Perth College UHI motor vehicle student from Dunfermline, won an industry bonnet spraying competition in Glasgow. Claire was the only female who made it to the final of the event.

Possible Bronze Age figurines unearthed in Orkney
Archaeology colleagues discovered nine half-metre tall stone-carved objects in Orkney. Some of the objects look remarkably like stylised representations of the human form.

Ross-shire graduate recognised for engineering excellence
Brian Johnstone from Alness was selected as the winner of the Willie Printie Prize for Engineering Excellence. Brian was chosen for his academic and professional development, which saw him progress from an electrical apprenticeship to a university degree, then into a senior position at NHS Highland.

College to launch new ranger qualification
West Highland College UHI is joining with Fort William based Nevis Landscape Partnership to offer a new Countryside Skills with Ranger Training qualification.