BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:1.0 TZ:+00 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220210T120000Z DTEND:20220210T120000Z UID:ATEvent-704974 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LTA Connect: Supporting students whilst teaching sensitive content in class: 10 February DESCRIPTION: The role of an educator in HE is important in tackling challenging subjects because students can have an incorrect, biased or discriminatory view on something due to not fully understanding the topic, or they might be fearful of asking in case they upset someone. Student responses, diffusing conflict and confronting biased, offensive remarks are important when teaching sensitive topics and each student must be considered as an individual when teaching this topic. LOCATION:Webex Meetings PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR