BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:1.0 TZ:+00 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210819T120000Z DTEND:20210819T120000Z UID:ATEvent-540010 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LTA Connect: Graduate Attributes Portfolio: 19 August DESCRIPTION:Ms Lizzie Hall M.Ed(dist), BSc, FHEA will use this one hour webinar to share her research which led to the development of the Graduate Attributes Portfolio assessment which was introduced to the BSc Oral Health Sciences programme in September 2020. Lizzie will discuss the development and introduction of the graduate attributes portfolio along with the benefits and challenges they have experience since its roll out. Whilst this portfolio is specific for the Oral Health Sciences course, this webinar is open to all as this could easily be adapted to other programmes to provide similar benefits. LOCATION:Webex Meetings PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR