BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:1.0 TZ:+00 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210520T120000Z DTEND:20210520T120000Z UID:ATEvent-463229 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:LTA Connect: Preparing for uncertainty? Investigating the development of criticality among master’s students: 20 May DESCRIPTION:It is arguably imperative now more than ever to prepare individuals to critically and effectively engage with their world. This webinar will argue that the development of criticality among students is a key means through which higher education (HE) can responsibly contribute towards the challenges society, the sector and graduates face. In this webinar Cameron Graham will present the theoretical basis and findings from his research investigating the development of criticality master’s students at three Scottish universities. LOCATION:- PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR