BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:1.0 TZ:+00 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210114T120000Z DTEND:20210114T120000Z UID:ATEvent-453146 SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Education for complex Landscapes of Practice: Evaluating the role of social learning at the UHI’s Integrated Land Use Conference (ILUC): 14 January DESCRIPTION:Since 2012, UHI has worked in partnership with key agencies to organise an annual ‘Integrated Land Use Conference’ (ILUC) for students of various land-based disciplines, from across the UHI network. The aim of the conference is to foster inter-professional education culture, providing opportunities for students to learn about, with and from other disciplines. LOCATION:Webex Meetings PRIORITY:3 TRANSP:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR